Steven Paul Jobs, also known as Steve Jobs, was born on February 24, 1955, in San Francisco, California. co-founder S. of Apple Computer, Inc.died in Palo Alto, California, on October 5, 2011. (At the moment, Apple Inc. ), as well as an engrossing precursor to the personal computer era.

Creation of Apple
Cupertino, California, a city that is a part of the area now known as Silicon Valley, is where Jobs was raised by adoptive parents. He wasn’t just interested in engineering as a young man, though. He left Reed College in the fall of 1973 and began working as a video game designer for Atari in Portland, Oregon. He also used the money he had saved to take a trip to India to study Buddhism. In the beginning of 1974, he accepted a position at Atari.
Fantastic in every way
Under Jobs’ leadership, the company was working on its most significant project to date. He organized a small group of Apple engineers to attend a technology demonstration at the Palo Alto Research Institute (PARIt would later become known as the “event marketing” model. “. C) of the Xerox Corporation in 1979 to investigate whether a graphical user interface could make computers simpler to use and more efficient. Jobs joined a smaller team that was creating the business computer Lisa after resigning from his position as manager of a larger team building a less expensive computer a short while later. Both computers were redesigned to benefit from and build on the PARC concepts, but Jobs made it clear that he preferred the Macintosh, or Mac, as the new device was called. Although he treated engineers with respect and referred to them as artists, Jobs’ design principles were rigid; at one point, he demanded a redesign of an internal circuit board simply because he thought it was ugly. He would later become well-known for insisting that the Macintosh be “insanely great,” as opposed to just great. In a brilliantly staged demonstration that served as the focal point of an extraordinary publicity campaign, Jobs himself introduced the Macintosh in January 1984. Later, it would be referred to as the “event marketing” model. “.
Network Inc. , a new company that Jobs established without delay. building durable workstations for the educational market. Ross Perot, a Texan businessman, and Canon Inc. was one of his financial backers. a Japanese producer of electronics. Despite the fact that the NeXT computer is renowned for its engineering design, less expensive versions from rival firms like Sun Microsystems, Inc. hid it from view. Jobs’ early 1990s initiatives were centered on the company’s state-of-the-art software platform, NEXTSTEP.
Jobs bought the majority of Pixar in 1986 during this time. As a division of Lucasfilm Ltd., Pixar was first established as a computer graphics company. is George Lucas’s production company. In the ensuing ten years, Jobs transformed Pixar into a significant animation studio, resulting in the 1995 release of Toy Story, the first full-length feature film to be entirely computer-animated. That year, Pixar’s IPO led to Jobs’ first billionaire status. Finally, in 2006, he made a studio offer to the Disney Corporation.
Apple storing
In the late 1990s, when Apple was on the verge of bankruptcy and collapse, a semiconductor executive named Gilbert Amelio was named the company’s new CEO. When Amelio learned that the company had failed to produce a suitable OS replacement for the dated OS of the Macintosh, he decided to purchase Jobs’s company, NEXTSTEP, for more than $400 million—and bring Jobs back to Apple as a consultant. After becoming increasingly frustrated with Amelio’s failure to improve Apple’s financial situation, the board of directors asked the company’s rebel cofounder to take over once more in June 1997. Jobs swiftly terminated the Mac-clone agreements with Amelio, partnered with Apple’s former rival Microsoft Corporation, and streamlined the company’s product line. He also came up with a successful ad campaign that urged people to “think differently” and buy Macintoshes. Equally crucial is noting what he held back from doing. For instance, he resisted the urge to develop computers running the Windows operating system from Microsoft, and he did not turn Apple into a software-only company as some had suggested. Since Apple was the only significant manufacturer of personal computers with its own operating system, Jobs believed the company had a unique opportunity to innovate.
Apple invention
As the millennium approached, Jobs began to rethink Apple in 2001. In that year, Apple unveiled iTunes, a piece of software that lets users listen to music while also converting it to the popular MP3 digital format, which is used by many computers and other electronic devices. The portable MP3 player, the iPod, was released by Apple later that year, and it quickly surpassed all rivals. Online MP3 downloads of well-known songs from record labels were first made available by Apple in 2003. By the year 2006, Apple’s online iTunes Store had transacted over a billion songs and videos. Apple, Inc. became the organization’s official new name under Jobs. in recognition of the industry’s growing shift. January 9, 2007, is the ninth.
Medical Problem
Jobs received a rare pancreatic cancer diagnosis in 2003. He postponed surgery for about nine months while he looked into alternative therapies. In 2004, he underwent the Whipple operation, a significant reconstructive procedure. During the procedure, the pancreas, bile duct, gallbladder, and duodenum were removed. The remaining pancreas, bile duct, and intestine were then connected to send digestive secretions back into the stomach. Before taking over again as Apple’s CEO, Jobs briefly recovered.
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