Honest Abe, also known as the Rail-Splitter or the Great Emancipator, was born on February 12, 1803, in the area of Hodgenville, Kentucky, in the United States. In D.C., Washington, S.died. on April 15, 1865. ), the 16th president of the United States (1861–1865), was in charge of emancipating slaves within the country and preserving the Union throughout the American Civil War. 3.

Follow Abraham Lincoln as he travels from a log cabin in the woods to the White House, where he oversaw America’s participation in the Civil War.
all of the videos related to this article should be viewed. Lincoln’s childhood residence.
Lincoln was created in Kentucky, 3 miles (5 km) south of Hodgenville. His parents moved him to a farm in the nearby Knob Creek valley when he was two years old. His earliest memories are of this home, particularly of a flash flood that once swept away the corn and pumpkin seeds he had assisted his father in planting. the father who sows. His father, Thomas Lincoln, came from an apprentice weaver who had fled England and settled in Massachusetts in 1637. Thomas was a hardy pioneer, but he wasn’t as wealthy as some of the Lincoln ancestors. On June 12th, 1806, he married Nancy Hanks. Nancy appears to have been born in an unnatural way, despite the difficulty of tracing the Hanks family history. Her “stoop-shouldered, thin-breasted, sad” appearance and ardent religiosity have been described. Sarah, Abraham, and Thomas, who passed away in infancy, were Thomas and Nancy Lincoln’s three children.
Youth and Childhood
After a lawsuit challenging the ownership of his Kentucky farm was filed in December 1816, Thomas Lincoln and his family decided to move to southwest Indiana. The family took cover behind a roaring fire as squatters on public land where he quickly constructed a “half-faced camp,” a flimsy structure made of logs and branches with one side exposed to the elements. He quickly built a permanent cabin and later bought the land where it was situated. While helping to clear the fields and tend to the crops, Abraham quickly grew disenchanted with hunting and fishing. He recalled the “panther’s scream,” the bears that “preyed on the swine,” and the occasionally stifling poverty of Indiana frontier life in later years. He went through the worst time of his boyhood after his mother died in the autumn of 1818. When he was nine years old, he discovered her body buried in the woods, and for the following winter, he was left without the warmth of his mother. Fortunately, Thomas Lincoln returned from Kentucky before the start of a second winter with a new wife for himself and a new mother for the children. Sarah Bush Johnston Lincoln, a widow with three children—two girls and a boy—had an endless supply of zeal and love. She cared for both families’ children equally, treating them all as if she had given birth to them, and she and Abraham developed a special bond. He later called her his “angel mother” and referred to her as his mother. “.
Attorney from the Prairies
He moved to Springfield, the new state capital of Illinois, the following year because it provided him with a lot more opportunities than New Salem had. At first, John T. and Lincoln collaborated. Stuart, who was formerly a Stephen T. Last but not least, William H. Herndon. Herndon, who was nearly ten years Lincoln’s junior, had a larger reading list, displayed greater emotion in the bar, and had more extreme opinions in general. However, it appears that this alliance was as close to perfect as any human partnership has ever been. When one of them got paid, Herndon and Lincoln split the money equally. They didn’t keep many records of their legal business. They don’t seem to have ever fought over money.
Family of Abraham Lincoln
While he was a resident of New Salem, Lincoln met Ann Rutledge. He must have liked her because, along with the rest of the town, he expressed sorrow over her untimely death in 1835 at the age of 22. Following this, rumors of a lavish romance between Lincoln and Rutledge began to spread, but there is no reliable historical evidence to support these rumors. After Rutledge passed away, Lincoln kept up his sporadic courtship with Mary Owens for a year. Mary Owens concluded after giving it some thought that Lincoln was “deficient in those little links which constitute the chain of woman’s happiness.”. “. “. She rejected his offer.
Early political life of Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln’s first political campaign was overseen by President Andrew Jackson. Although Lincoln shared the Jacksonians’ concern for the common man, he disagreed with their assertion that business and government should be kept separate. In his words later in life, “The legitimate object of government is to do for a community of people whatever they need done but cannot do at all.”. cannot achieve such great success for themselves in their individual and separate capacities. The two well-known politicians of his time who he admired the most were Henry Clay and Daniel Webster. Clay and Webster argued in favor of utilizing the power of the federal government to establish a national bank, a protective tariff, and a program of internal transportation improvements in order to promote trade and develop the country’s resources. For Illinois’s and the West’s overall economic growth, according to Lincoln, such assistance was desperately needed. He immediately enrolled in the Whigs, Clay and Webster’s political organization.
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