He is the creator of a philosophical and scientific framework that, in ancient times, served as the foundation and mode of expression for Islamic philosophy and Christian teaching. Aristotle’s ideas remained firmly entrenched in Western thought even after the intellectual revolutions of the Renaissance, Reformation, and Enlightenment.

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Aristotle was born in Macedonia, in the northern part of Greece, in the Chalcidic region. Amyntas III, a physician who ruled between c. 393 – c. Grandfather of Alexander the Great (reigned 336-323 BCE), King of Macedon in 370 BCE. Aristotle relocated to Athens after his father’s passing in 367, where he enrolled in the Academy of Plato (circa 400). 428-c. 348 TOA). As a student and employee of Plato, he remained there for 20 years.
He founded the Lyceum, his own school and gym, on the outskirts of the city. He established a significant library and surrounded himself with brilliant scholars who became known as “peripateticians” after the cloister (peripatos) in which they congregated and held discussions. The Lycée is not a private club like the Academy; many forums are available to everyone and are free of charge.
With the exception of veterinary medicine, the majority of Aristotle’s works that have survived might have been produced during this second trip to Athens. Although their chronological order is uncertain, it is likely that the major works in physics, metaphysics, psychology, ethics, and politics were being updated and revised at the same time. Though Aristotle’s words are not good or beautiful, each of his thoughts is bursting with energy and ideas. characters.
others. The literature that Aristotle used in his lectures is included in the second group. The first group consists primarily of well-known works. Service provided without charge.
Poetry, letters, essays, and Platonic dialogues are among the lost works. Their content frequently departs significantly from the lessons of the surviving journals, at least based on the fragments that have survived. Commentator Alexander of Aphrodisias was born in B. c. Most contemporary academics, however, concur that Aristotle’s most well-known works actually represent the early stages of his intellectual development rather than the public opinion at the time they were written.
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The writings of Aristotle that were left behind after his death are represented in the surviving manuscripts. As per a legend from the past, passed down by Plutarch (46–119 c. (c. 119 AD) and Strabo (c. 119 c. The writings of Theophrastus and Aristotle were given to Nleus of Skepticism in 64 BC, and his heirs hid them in a room so they wouldn’t be taken for the library of the Pagamum kings (now in Turkey). According to this legend, a businessman later purchased the books and transported them to Athens, where they were ordered by the Roman general Sulla following his conquest of the city in 86 BCE. Andronicus of Rhodes, the last master of the Lyceum, brought it to Rome where it was edited and published around 60 BCE. familiar with at this time.
The Categories, De Interprete, and Prior Analytics, which discuss discourses, propositions, and syllogisms respectively, are the foundations upon which Aristotle bases his claim to be the father of logic. The Organon, or “tool” of thought, is a compilation of these writings as well as essays, scholarly arguments, and treatises on scientific methodology, a posteriori research.
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Even Aristotle, as evidenced by his writings, recognized that there are alternatives to syllogistic reasoning. Similar to the first observation, de interpretatione functions well with general plans that start with Any, No, or Some. However, he is more interested in exploring their compatibility and incompatibility than in joining these claims together in syllogisms. These two ideas, which Aristotle refers to as “opposite” ones, are Every Swan is White and No Swan Is Pure but Clearly Cannot Be True. Both, however, could be fake if, as is the case, some swans are white and some are not. If there are swans, they can’t all be faked, and not all of them are white, unlike the first couple. One of them must be true in order for the other to be true; if one is false, the other must be true. These two ways of thinking are referred to as “contradictory” by Aristotle. “.
Physics, mathematics, and theology comprise the three divisions of Aristotle’s sciences. He believed that physics was the study of nature (physis), or what is now known as “natural philosophy.” In this sense, it encompasses not only modern science but also biology, chemistry, geology, psychology, and even meteorology. But despite the fact that he never used the term and it first appeared in his posthumous catalog of his writings as the title of the works listed after Physics, metaphysics does not seem to be absent from the structure of Aristotle’s thought. He did, however, acknowledge the branch of philosophy now known as metaphysics, which he referred to as “first philosophy” and described as the study of “being as being.”.
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